[04-07 Aug-2016, Indianapolis, IN, US]
GenCon 2016, and not for gaming but to attend the “GenCon 2016 Film Festival”. Why? Because my short animated film was an “Official Selection” of course! And, the plane I flew was on it’s maiden voyage (CRJ-900) and the pilot annouced it, so it was cool. It had the “new aiplane” smell! Here are the pics:

GenCon 2016 Film Festival
So what was the film that became an “Official Selection”? Can’t show you the film yet, but here are the previews for “All Your Base: Last Of Last” animated scifi comedy, starring: Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova in Babylon 5), Colin Baker (Doctor Who #6 in Doctor Who), Cliff Simon (Ba’al in Stargate SG1, Terry Molly (Davros of the Daleks in Doctor Who) and Lizzie Roper (BBC Radio Doctor Who series):
Trailer #2 for the short film:
Trailer #1 for the short film:
And you can visit the official site at: AllYourBaseLOL.com