[February 7-9, 2003, TGN, Arlington Heights, IL] Left to right, the TRCLJ (Troy Rick Cliff Lisa Jed) group unveiled the Galaxy Quest costumes for Capricon – as Teb, Mathasar, Quelleck, Lt. Madison and Commander Peter Peter Peter Quincy Quincy Quincy Taggart Taggart Taggart. Kathy (Lisa’s mom) was the designer and seamstress for the Commander Peter Quincy Taggart and Lt. Tawny Madison outfits. Cliff was the seamster for the three Thermain outfits. The con was a blast and a half. I was having too much fun that I for got to take pictures on Friday! Well, I shot a bunch on Saturday, but still, I missed a few costumes here and there… The official eZine-TGN Party Rating is in: 8.0 out of 10. (8.0/10?! Why only 8.0??? Well, the parties were excellent. Dueling Blenders were great as usual. Chicago Force out did themselves, but the con itself didn’t have that snappy feeling like the time they had the Ambassador’s Reception – now that was great, but I digress…)

Never Give Up, Never Surrender!