[May 28 – May 31, 2010, Santa Clara, CA] Baycon is a science fiction convention held every Memorial Day. Collectively, even though this was a generic scifi and fantasy con, there were more Steampunk outfits than all of the rest of the costumes combined. But, there still was plenty of variety of costumed people walking around. Surprisingly, the con suite was pitifully small. It was two regular hotel rooms with a connecting door and half the room flled with tables. Not conducive for ‘hanging in the con suite’, so everyone went onto the first floor of the hotel. Programming had a lot of glitches, delays and generally it didn’t fall apart because the fans were waaaay patient. One notable thing I did was that I went to the Klingon Charity Slave Auction for Make-a-Wish Foundation and I did win a round of bidding and got Sarah to do my bidding. That was fun. But the overall con was not as good as what a 28th year should have been, so the rating of the con is 7.0 out of 10.

The Ood from Doctor Who