[Jul30 – Aug01, 2010 – Boulder, CO, US] My friend Mike and his wife Sue were supposed to meet up with me and then head to (their daughter) Marina’s apartment and meet up with her boyfriend, Aaron, to play Catan. However, Mike and Sue canceled at the last minute so I went without them. I was supposed to fly in Thursday night but due to storms in DC, my plane got in late at DFW (Dallas) and missed the connection to DEN (Denver). So I stayed overnight in Dallas and flew out on the earliest plane Friday morning.
Got in, called Marina and she said she wanted to go hiking. I said sure, so Marina and I drove from Boulder, Colorado, to the Rocky Mountain National Park, entering at the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center. We hit the Deer Ridge Junction and got out of the car – still raining – so I didn’t take my camera, only Marina did since she had a backpack, so these pictures are mostly taken by Marina. Started at the Dear Mountain Trailhead, elevation 8930 feet. The trail is 3 miles long and the top of Dear Mountain is 10013 feet. (So we climbed 1083 feet…) I got annoyed at the zig-zag trail so I said to Marina, let’s go straight up. So we did 🙂 Got to the top, took pictures, and headed down.
Once we got back to Marina’s apartment, we play Catan till Marina got too tired. She drove me back to my hotel for the night. Next day we went shopping for expansion sets for Catan. Aaron popped in and we played more Catan. Was fun. Sunday, flew back out as usual…

Marina on the peak of Deer Mountain