[December 31, 2018 Alexandria, VA, US]
New Year’s Eve 2018 was spent in Washington DC onboard one of the two dozen or so remaining operational paddle boats, the “Cherry Blossom”. It was a rainy and foggy night. Very foggy. In fact is was soooo foggy, you could not see the fireworks at midnight! Just bright flashes in the sky. At the very very end, we saw five or six faint fireworks. I think this was the first time I have been fogged in during a fireworks display…
That was fun in itself, as it was a totally different experience: on a paddle boat, in the middle of the Potomac, visibility near zero and you knew there were other boats out there… To top it off, as more and more fireworks were set of, the more and more dense it got. Eerie kinda cool.
Inside the mood was very festive, with the three hour cruise (10:00pm to 1:00am). There was a ton of sandwiches and finger foods including dessert. There was no shortage of food, which was different – I expected the food to run out just like most large events. Nope, food was there all throughout the cruise. And of course beer, wine, and spirits too. All included in one price. Oh and sparkling wine at midnight of course. So it was a fun fun cruise.
The paddle boat, the Cherry Blossom, is open to a public cruise only twice a year – New Year’s Eve and July 4th. So, if I am in DC on the 4th, I will definitely do the cruise again, and this time (hopefully) no fog! Here are some pictures from the cruise (click on the pic or the link to view them all):

New Year’s Eve 2018 Washington DC River Cruise