[Apr 30 – May 2, 2010, Atlanta, GA] AnachroCon is more than steam punk, but most of the attendees were in steam punk garb. Steam Punk is catching on like wildfire. Over 80%+ of the attendees were dressed in costumes! I don’t think I’ve been to any con where 80%+ were dressed up. Even though “Steam Punk” is a specific genre, based on the Victorian period, a lot more people can get into it because current clothing can be modified much more easily than any other genre. Well, it was cool 🙂 There were live performaces by bands both nights (Friday and Saturday) and on Saturday, there was period performances during the day The only thing bad about the whole thing was that is was mega-cramped, as in tiny tiny tiny spaces. The vendor area was waaay tooo small and the con suite was waaaaay waaaaay tooooo small. But, have no fear, next year, they will be getting a new hotel so that should improve the shortcomings. All in all, the con has a rating of 9 out of 10.

AnachroCon 2010