Halloween Orange County 2009


[October 30-31, 2009, Santa Anna, CA] So I didn’t know what to do for Halloween this year, so I was searching for Halloween parties on the web. Well, Halloween OC popped up a few times so I decided to pop in for one day. So I flew into the Santa Anna John Wayne Orange County airport. Yes, they have no idea what to call the airport anymore so they use all three names interchangeably.

Anyway the party was over-rated – it was a “pro con”, or professionally (meaning they charge an entrance fee) operated. They served drinks – way over priced. I mean they only had domestic-carbonated-colored-water (Bud and Bud Light) and charged $8 for a plastic cup. I did meet a few cool people there and took a few cool pictures, but the overall experience was ho-hum. I was going to fly in for their “New Year’s Eve” party there, but after that expedience, I’ll skip it.

And you’d think they would arrange taxis for pickup after the party (at the Orange County Fair Grounds) – I mean this isn’t the first or second time they did this. And no. Absolutely useless. Bad. So, I completely dis-recommend. I give this party/gathering/whatever a rating of 2 out of 10. SOme of the costumes were really great though…

Halloween Orange County 2009