[Oct 11, 2014 – Oracle, AZ]
GLOW for 2014 is over. It was weirdly cool. It’s at the Triangle L Ranch in the boonies – in Oracle, AZ. It’s about a one hour drive north of Tucson. GLOW is an yearly event. It got so big, the owner split the event into four weekend nights. The desert is lit up with lights all over. And weird glow-y artwork from local artists. And bands. And pie. No, it’s not a rave. No, there is no alcohol. It’s a family thing, it’s a young to old thing. And everyone wears something that, well, glows. It was almost like a sci fi convention. Hey, even the Doctor showed up. Well, the TARDIS was there but the Doctor must have slipped away in the darkness 🙂 It was really different. And fun. Catch it next year.

GLOW in Oracle, AZ