[November 09 through 11, 2018 Baltimore, MD, US]
Alien-Con. Had to get a picture with the quintessential live meme, Giorgio Tsoukalos, in person. I have succeeded in my mission. Everything else was just extras. I actually only went to the special panel for premium pass holders (was not worth it at all, the producer of the show yakked over half the time) and went to see Clara Oswald (Doctor Who) played by Jenna Coleman.
Dear Alien Con staff: “We didn’t pay extra to here some fat ass producer that no one knows about, to sit in the middle of the panel an usurp the show. We wanted to hear all of the “in front of camera” people, not for the “below the line” people. Got it? I am below the line myself and I don’t sit on panels where the actors and actresses are! Get a hint, it’s not about you, it’s about the celebrities in front of the camera! People left. Mad. Very mad! And – one woman was screaming at staff after the joke of a special for what a rip-off that ‘extra’ pass was. Please don’t do that again. Dear attendees – if you are going to LA (or Baltimore again next year), just get the normal passes! You would be way happier! And you get the same info and panelists throughout the event. No need to pay ridiculous prices to see a fat ass producer talk over the celebrities. Okay, end of rant.
So, other than paying too much, the rest of the event was great 🙂 Click on the pic or link below to see the pics:

Alien Con Baltimore Nov 09-11 2018